Mar 26, 2012


haaa , hello people !! lama tak update! *nk jadi macam blog syazana japp , asal post je mesti ayat dia ''dh lama tk update''* hahaha :p

ok , i'm just love to kena kena kan mereka . because i love them . huehueee . and here , not gonna post bout the slip one . u know the slip slip one ? . oh , not about that . kecewa .. depressing semua ada . *eh,mcmsama? . haa , tulah . sangatttt ahh . speechless ! eh , didnt i tell that i do not want to post bout that ? aaaiii~ .

btw , idk why i really want that ipts ! MEKARRRRR!!!THAT WAS IPTS ! tk pasti samada effort or not . kesian mak ngn buya pulak . but , that the one and only ipts i really want it .mmg banyak gilaa la ipts yg dapat kan , BUT , that the one and only i really want TT.TT ,,  but .. ah tah laaa.

ipta ? ofcause lah nak kan . gila apa kalau AKU tknk amik ipta . tapiiii , ipts ni cepat sangat dapatnya . ipta niii , lambat :(  tu pun tk pasti dapat ke tak keee kann . tkkan la nk tolak ipts yg betulbetul kita nk n tunggu ke ipta yg tk pasti samada dapat ke tk . tkkn nk jadi penganggur ? ;(  . so , dengan sokongan mereka terdekat iaitu my beloved chinggu . they prefer me ipts yg tuu . *weii ,kau suruh aku masuk je situ dulu kan ? . hehe . and aku mesti doa kan korang dua masuk UIA . GOMBAK tauuu! nanti boleh outing sama sama . hehe .

tk masuk lagi dh fikir pasal outing . kehkeh . but , yeah , DARE TO DREAM . tak salah kann ? :D .

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hahah..mmg lorhh ! kw tgk la gap stiap post tu bpe lame..kne la tulis jugak..haha